Archives for August 2020

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Love Is Kind

Being kind is much more than being polite. The main idea of kindness is doing something that is helpful or useful for someone else. It's easy to show kindness to friends or to people you expect to treat you the same way. It is much more difficult to show kindness to someone you either don't know very well or are at odds with. The pattern of our kindness is our heavenly Fat...

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El amor es bondadoso

Ser bondadoso es mucho ms que ser corts. La idea principal de la bondad es hacer algo que sea til para otra persona. Es fcil mostrar bondad a los amigos o a personas que espera que lo traten de la misma manera. Es mucho ms difcil mostrar bondad a alguien a quien no conoces muy bien o con quien est en desacuerdo. El patrn de nuestra bondad es nuestro Padre celestial que pac...

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