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All Meetings Cancelled

God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne. Psalm 47:8 Given the recent and stricter recommendations from the medical and governing authorities, we have decided to suspend all FBBC events and gatherings through the end of March. There will be no formal church service on Sunday, March 22 or Sunday, March 29. There will be no formal FLG meetings this w...

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Actualización de los ancianos

Un mensaje de los ancianos Como muchos de ustedes saben, las noticias y las respuestas al nuevo coronavirus se estn desarrollando rpidamente. Como vieron en el mensaje anterior, , este es un momento que debe estar marcado por (1) sentido comn, (2) compasin y (3) confianza. Seguimos confiando en la soberana de nuestro Seor, y el liderazgo de FBBC ha tomado algunas decisio...

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Update from the Elders

A message from the FBBC elders As many of you know, news and responses to the new coronavirus are developing rapidly. As you saw in a previous message, this is a time that should be marked by (1) common sense, (2) compassion, and (3) confidence. We remain confident in our Lord's sovereignty, and FBBC's leadership has made some decisions regarding temporary changes to o...

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FBBC and the Coronavirus

I am not a doctor or an expert on diseases. But with everything you may be hearing about a new coronavirus, I wanted to make sure to address some issues regarding the physical and spiritual health of both our homes and our church family. What we know right now: There are different types of coronaviruses that we are already exposed to which cause mild illnesses like the...

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La respuesta al coronavirus

Hola familia de FBBC, Yo no soy mdico ni experto en enfermedades, pero con todo lo que estamos oyendo sobre un nuevo virus, quera asegurarme de abordar algunos problemas relacionados con la salud fsica y espiritual de nuestros hogares y nuestra familia de la iglesia. Lo que sabemos: Existen diferentes tipos de coronavirus a los que ya estamos expuestos que causan enfe...

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Christ, The Sure and Steady Anchor

What can we turn to in times of difficulty?...

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Just a Dream?

What happens if you sin in a dream? How should you respond?...

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Worship the Lord (Youth Trip)

See what our Youth group is learning about worship and get an update on their 2017 Summer Trip....

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A Memorial for All

How can a Christian celebrate Memorial Day?...

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'Tis the Season

The whole world runs on seasons. But what seasons are the most dangerous?...

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