Sunday, September 15
Adult Sunday Class—Beginning today our 9:00am Engloish adult class will be studying biblical principles for global missions.
English Men's Lunch Workshop—Today, 12:00-2:00pm. Talk to Luis Cardenas (Jr) for more information.
Baptism/Membership Class—Beginning today, for those interested in baptisms or membership at FBBC, please join us at 9:00am.
Rummage Sale Meeting—Join us today after the second service in room 107. Talk to Lorraine De La Torre for more information.
Sight Singing—Learn the basics of reading music and singing along. The class will focus on teaching notes and rhythms. The initial course will be 6 Monday nights, 6:30-7:30pm, September 16, 23, 30 and October 14, 21, 28. Classes taught by Jim Wilson. Future courses will build on this initial course.
Security Meeting—Sep 21, 8-10am. Topic: Medical Emergencies. Talk to Tony Rodriguez for more information.
Open Hands, Open Hearts—Ministry to homeless on Saturday, September 21. For more information, talk to Rochelle Zieman.
Open Hands, Open Hearts—There is an opportunity to donate items for the cold season. Please sign up at the foyer table and someone will call you back as the items are needed.
Rummage Sale—Sep 28. See insert or Talk to Lorraine De La Torre for more information.
Sunday, September 8
Church Picnic—The picnic is canceled due to high temperature this weekend. We are hoping to reschedule for the end of the month.
"REALITY" Apologetics Conference—For youth on Sep 13 & 14 cost is $25, space is limited. Sign up with Derek Bustos. Go to for more information.
New Sunday Class—Sep 15, our Sunday morning classes will be studying biblical principles for global missions.
Baptism/Members Class— September 15, for those interested in baptisms or membership at FBBC, please join us at 9:00am.
Security Meeting—Sep 21, 8-10am. Topic: Medical Emergencies. Talk to Tony Rodriguez for more information.
Open Hands, Open Hearts—There is an opportunity to donate items for the cold season. Please sign up at the foyer table and someone will call you back as the items are needed.
Sight Singing—Learn the basics of reading music and singing along. The class will focus on teaching notes and rhythms. The initial course will be 6 Monday nights, 6:30-7:30pm, September 16, 23, 30 and October 14, 21, 28. Classes taught by Jim Wilson. Future courses will build on this initial course.
Open Hands, Open Hearts—Ministry to homeless on Saturday, September 21. For more information, talk to Rochelle Zieman.
Rummage Sale—Join us next Sunday, September 15 after the second service in room 107. Men are welcome to participate. Talk to Lorraine De La Torre for more information.
Rummage Sale—Sep 28. We are looking for men to help with setup/tear down and to help take large donated items upstairs for storage. Talk to Lorraine De La Torre for more information.