Sermon Podcast

Follow the instructions below to add the FBBC podcast to your desktop, iOS, or Android app.

Subscribe Automatically: 

Click the link below to check if your device will subscribe automatically. If not, follow the directions to subscribe manually.


Subscribe Manually: 

Step 1: Open the podcast program you wish to use (e.g. Podcasts, iTunes, TuneIn, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc)

Step 2: Search for a way to add a new RSS feed or URL. Examples include:

  • Apple Podcast: Click "Library" on bottom bar, click "Edit" in top-right, click "Add a Podcast by URL..."
  • iTunes: Click on "File" in the top left menu. Then select "Subscribe to Podcast…" from the dropdown and paste the feed URL.

Step 3: Copy and paste the FBBC RSS feed link below:

Step 4: Click "OK" or "Subscribe" and you're done!